Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven Review: Crafting Perfect Pizzas at Home

review Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Pizzas are a bestseller at my restaurant, Dequte Restaurant LironBoylston. In my ten years of experience as a chef, I have tested various outdoor pizza ovens to create the perfect pizza our customers love.

Today, I’m reviewing the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven, which I personally tested at my restaurant. My evaluation was based on crucial factors that significantly impact the pizza-making process.

How To Use Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven and How It Works

The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Ovenis very easy to assemble. It only took me 10 minutes to put everything together. It has a user-friendly design that made the process seamless. I was able to set it up quickly and efficiently.

Unboxing Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven and First Impression

Unboxing Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven and First Impression

Upon unboxing the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven, I found its parts to be average in quality. While the appearance suggested durability, it didn’t quite match up to other premium brands. Nevertheless, I remain optimistic about its longevity and performance.

Quality and Materials

The quality and materials of the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven are satisfactory. However, it does not reach the standards set by some higher-end competitors. The construction seems robust, and I hope it withstands the rigors of frequent use in a restaurant setting.


Shape of Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

The Stoke Pizza Oven is formed just like other pizza ovens. However, it has a big wall between the flame and the stone. This unusual feature of the oven’s design creates an excessive buffer for the flame, which can be a hindrance to reaching greater temperatures. 

Temperature Control

Contrary to the video I watched claiming a maximum temperature of 900º F in 20-30 minutes, our test only reached a maximum of 700º F. However, it is worth noting that external factors affect the oven’s temperature, such as weather conditions.

Using Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven For The First Time

In our initial trial, we prepared a classic Margherita pizza using the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven. The results were satisfactory, however, I didn’t achieve the golden brown crust that I needed for my pizza. The top was nicely cooked but the bottom part did not turn out the way I wanted it to be.

Power Source

Power Source of Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven offers flexibility in its power source. It offers a choice of wood and gas-fueled models. These give users options to select based on their preferences and convenience. I chose the wood-fired model because wood enhances the flavor of the pizza and imparts a distinctive smokiness.


The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is compact, measuring 13 inches long by 18.22 inches tall by 11.15 inches wide. It weighs just over 40 pounds when fully assembled. This oven’s portability allows for flexibility in installation and easy transportation after use.

How To Clean the Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

How To Clean the Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Cleaning the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is simple. Once cooled down, the components are easily disassembled. Hence, it is very convenient to clean and maintain. This ease of cleaning enhances the overall user experience and makes you want to use it more frequently.

Can I Use the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven Indoors?

No, the Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven is designed for outdoor use only due to the wood-fired nature of its heating method. Using it indoors poses safety risks and is not recommended.

How Long Does It Take To Cook Pizza In Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven?

How Long Does It Take To Cook Pizza In Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven?

The pizza cooking time is attributed to the heat distribution and high temperature achieved by the oven. Because this oven takes longer to heat up than other pizza ovens I’ve tried, making a Margherita pizza took us more than two minutes. 

How Long Does It Take to Warm Up?

This pizza oven took approximately 45 minutes to reach the optimal cooking temperature during our initial test. Compared to other pizza ovens I have tested, the Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven is slower. However, I need to reinstate that the oven’s warm-up time may also vary based on external conditions, such as weather, and the type of wood used. 

Can I Cook Other Foods In It?

Can I Cook Other Foods In It?

Yes, the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is versatile enough to cook various dishes beyond pizza. You can experiment with baking bread, roasting vegetables, or even grilling meats.


While the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven offers a satisfying pizza-making experience, there are a few downsides to consider. One notable area of improvement could be the materials used in its construction. While the overall build is serviceable, I think it lacks the sturdiness found in other brands.

Another point of concern is the inconsistency in achieving the maximum temperature. Despite promotional materials suggesting a capability of reaching 900 degrees Fahrenheit, our tests and user feedback indicate that the oven may fall short of this mark.

Additionally, the learning curve for achieving optimal results may be steep for beginners. 

Price of Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Price of Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is reasonably priced, considering its functionality and performance. It is within the mid-range tier, which is an excellent option for individuals looking for a wood-fired pizza oven without a substantial financial commitment.

How Does It Compare to Other Outdoor Pizza Ovens?

The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven does its function. Even though it lacks some of the more costly ovens’ bells and whistles, it still performs admirably for the price.

What Other Users Say about Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

What Other Users Say about Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Reviews of the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven on platforms like Amazon, Reddit, and YouTube by renowned chefs generally highlight its user-friendly assembly and versatility. Some users have noted concerns about temperature consistency, but overall, it has garnered positive feedback for its value.

According to an Amazon review, the Stoke Pizza Oven is super easy to assemble and use. However, one user raised his concern about the use of cheap materials. The reviewer mentions that the paint on the oven tends to melt and burn at high temperatures, while the metal rusts quickly.

On Reddit, a user shared that their Stoke Pizza Oven arrived with broken pizza stones, and the packaging appeared damaged as if the products were already used and returned.

The user also expressed frustration with the lack of response from customer service. They keep on receiving an automated email citing high email volumes with a promised response time of 24 hours. 

On YouTube, users also note the issue about the oven’s temperature. In one YouTube video that I watched, the pizza was undercooked even after baking the pizza for more than two minutes.

My Cooking Tips For Using Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

My Cooking Tips For Using Stoke Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Here are a few tips I can share for optimal results with the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven:

  • Invest in a quality infrared thermometer to accurately gauge the cooking surface temperature.
  • Keep an eye on your pizza to avoid burning.
  • Practice rotating the pizza during cooking to ensure even browning.


The Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is a nice piece of equipment for making homemade pizzas without breaking the bank. While it may have some downsides, such as occasional temperature variations, its affordability and versatility make it a decent choice.

As a chef with experience, I appreciate its performance, especially considering the price. However, for those seeking the absolute best, Ooni remains the gold standard among outdoor pizza ovens. Consider your preferences and budget when deciding if the Stoke Wood Fired Pizza Oven is the right fit for you.

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